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Pere Ubu play ATP curated by Deerhunter at Camber Sands, UK this June - tickets are on sale now.
Name Of Artist: Pere Ubu
Hometown: Cleveland
Year Formed: 1975
The Pere Ubu project was supposed to be an end, not a beginning. Assembled in August 1975 to be the Crosby Stills Nash & Young of the Cleveland music underground, the plan was to record one, maybe two singles and exist no more. Within months, however, those first self-produced records were being snapped up in London, Paris, Manchester, New York and Minneapolis. Pere Ubu was changing the face of rock music. Over the next 34 years they defined the art of cult; refined the voice of the outsider; and inspired the likes of Joy Division, Pixies, Husker Du, Henry Rollins, REM, Sisters of Mercy, Thomas Dolby, Bauhaus, Julian Cope and countless others.
Pere Ubu make a music that is a disorienting mix of midwestern groove rock, "found" sound, analog synthesizers, falling-apart song structures and careening vocals. It is a mix that has mesmerized critics, musicians and fans for decades.
Singer David Thomas named the band after the protagonist of Ubu Roi, a play by Frenchman Alfred Jarry. The single, "30 Seconds Over Tokyo" b/w "Heart of Darkness," released in 1975, was the first of four independent releases on Hearpen Records and, along with Television's "Little Johnny Jewel," signaled the beginning of the New Wave. In the early to mid-70s the musicians who were to form Pere Ubu were part of a fertile rock scene that also produced 15-60-75, Mirrors, The Electric Eels, Rocket From The Tombs, Tin Huey, Styrene Money and Devo.
The group's first album, The Modern Dance was a startling work that influenced an entire generation of bands.
Do your best to describe the sound of your band in one sentence:
Pere Ubu is a Midwestern rock band.
What are the most recent activities of your band?
The album 'Lady From Shanghai' was released in January 2013. A UK tour is undertaken in April.
How excited are you to play this event?
I think it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Do you have a connection with Deerhunter / an idea why you were chosen to play?
I don't know who Deerhunter is and I figured we were chosen because somebody must be scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Which of your releases do you feel ATP attendees should check out first?
'Lady From Shanghai' (listen on Spotify)
Is there one of your tracks you think specifically represents you best?
Are there any other currently confirmed bands you're excited about seeing?
If you were curating, name three bands you'd want to play your event...
Van Dyke Parks
This Moment In Black History
If you could pick one record released in the last year which would you recommend?
I don't listen to music nor do I like it.
What have your previous experiences at ATP been like? Any favourite memories?
Never been to one. I hear they are good experiences. Many people I know think it's great. (editor: This interview took place before the band's fantastic set at I'll Be Your Mirror Melbourne!)