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At ATP this past December attendeee Matt Griffiths setup a Big Pretentious Mix CD Swap, which was a huge success, with hundreds of people taking part - see here for info or you can see some photos taken by an attendee here.
This time we've got a new concept - the tracklisting for your mix must be an acrostic of your name - so each song or artist begins with a letter of the persons name making the mix, for example:
Boredoms - Zutto
Iron Maiden - The Trooper
Led Zeppelin - When the Levee Breaks
Les Savy Fav - The Sweat Descends
Yuck - Get Away
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
Underground Resistance - Jupiter Jazz
Townes Van Zandt - If I Needed You
Liars - Plaster Casts Of Everything
I Break Horses - Hearts
Neil Young - On The Beach
We'll put the final time of the Mix swap on the festival timecards which you will receive at the event, and we'll try to make sure it doesn't clash with any bands.
To RSVP for the Swap head over to Facebook!