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For the last two ATP festivals we've been running Mixtape (or CD to be accurate!) Swap with attendees, both of which have been very successful, with hundreds of people taking part - you can see some photos taken by an attendee at the first swap here.
Each time we do it we pick another concept; last time the tracklisting for the mix had to be an acrostic of your name - so each song or artist began with a letter of the persons name making the mix.
This time to celebrate Mogwai's return as headliners and curators (which they did at the first ATP festival in 2000), on Saturday 26th May for the mix CD swap the tracklisting must be 13 songs long - one song from every year between 2000 and now. So basically it's your chance to share your favourite tracks since the inception of ATP with another attendee!
The final time + location of the Mix swap will be featured on the festival timecards which you will receive at the event, and we'll try to make sure it doesn't clash with any bands if possible.
To RSVP for the Swap head over to Facebook!