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We can now announce the full Cinema schedules and Book Club lists for both of our forthcoming UK festivals curated by Shellac and The National.
Some of the book publishers have generously donated books to us which we will be giving away to Festival Ticketholders over the next week. First up picked by The National we have Skippy Dies by Paul Murray and The Unnamed by Joshua Ferris - we have five pairs of each to give away courtesy of our generous friends at Penguin. To be in with a chance, email us at feedback@atpfestival.com with Penguin Books in the subject line telling us the names of the first novels by each of those authors. Keep an eye on the ATP Twitter over the next week for more book giveaways!
The first event runs from 30th November-2nd December when the Nightmare Before Christmas is curated by Shellac Of North America. A small amount of tickets is left for this event including a chalet share scheme for pairs, more info here.
For their Cinema list Shellac have chosen:
3 Days Of The Condor
Best In Show
Catch 22
McCabe & Mrs Miller
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Raising Arizona
Rear Window
Shakes The Clown
Slap Shot
Sullivan's Travels
The Cinema is included free to all ticketholders. All films will screen at our new cinema space in the Camber Sands Memorial Hall just across the road from the festival site. You can see full info on all the films plus trailers on this page.
The following books are recommended by Shellac for their edition of the ATP Book Club. We will be discussing Catch 22 and Valis at the two Book Club discussions during the event:
Another Roadside Attraction (author: Tom Robbins, publisher: No Exit)
The Anubis Gates (author: Tim Powers, publisher: Gollancz)
The Basketball Diaries (author: Jim Carroll, publisher: Penguin)
Bernini: The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque (author: Rudolph Wittkower, publisher: Phaidon Press Ltd)
Candide (author: Francois Voltaire, publisher: Penguin Classics)
Catch 22 (author: Joseph Heller, publisher: Vintage Classics)
Cosmos (author: Carl Sagan, publisher: Abacus)
Crossing The Water (author: Sylvia Plath, publisher: Faber & Faber)
Cryptonomicon (author: Neal Stephenson, publisher: Arrow)
Giles Goat-Boy (author: John Barth, publisher: Anchor)
Interpreter of Maladies: Stories of Bengal, Boston and Beyond (author: Jhumpa Lahiri, publisher: Flamingo)
Invisible Cities (author: Italo Calvino, publisher: Vintage)
Labyrinths (author: Jorge Luis Borges, publisher: Penguin)
Legends of the Fall (author: Jim Harrison, publisher: Delta)
Loose Talk (author: Linda Botts, publisher: Quick Fox/Rolling Stone Press)
The Man With the Golden Arm (author: Nelson Algren, publisher: Canongate Books Ltd)
Dear Boy: The Life of Keith Moon (author: Tony Fletcher, publisher: Omnibus)
Nick Drake: The Biography (author: Patrick Humphries, publisher: Bloomsbury)
Oscar Wilde's Wit and Wisdom (author: Oscar Wilde, publisher: Dover)
Praying To The Aliens (author: Gary Numan, publisher: Andre Deutsch Ltd)
Rotten: No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs (author: John Lydon, publisher: Plexus Publishing Ltd)
A Scientific Romance (author: Ronald Wright, publisher: Black Swan)
Slaughterhouse 5 (author: Kurt Vonnegut, publisher: Vintage)
V. (author: Thomas Pynchon, publisher: Vintage)
Valis (author: Philip K. Dick, publisher: Gollancz)
Young Men And Fire (author: Norman Maclean, publisher: University Of Chicago Press)
For more info on all the books see this page.
The second event runs from 7th-9th December when ATP is curated by The National. This weekend is sold out.
For their Cinema list The National have chosen:
Best In Show
The Darjeeling Limited
Eastern Promises
The French Connection
Gentlemen Broncos
Gerhard Richter, Painting
Harold and Maude
Joy Division
The Last Waltz
The Lives of Others
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Again, the Cinema is included free to all ticketholders. All films will screen at our new cinema space in the Camber Sands Memorial Hall just across the road from the festival site. You can see full info on all the films plus trailers on this page.
Lapham's Quarterly will be helping to run the ATP Book Club at The National's event; one session they will be discussing Patti Smith's Just Kids, and Colson Whitehead's Zone One in another session; see your timecards at the event for details. Author Stuart Evers will also be attending to participate in the discussions.
Lapham's Quarterly is a literary magazine that sets the story of the past in the frame of the present. Four times a year, the editors choose a question current in the news--foreign war, financial panic, magical thinking--and bring answers to it from authors whose powers of observation and expression have passed the test of time. On newsstands now: "Intoxication." This issue explores our deep desire to alter our mental and physical states, from the craving, to the high, and the dreaded hangover. Among the contributors, Charles Baudelaire urges one to always be drunk, Emily Dickinson gets high on life, Walter Benjamin takes a leisurely stroll on hashish, Billie Holiday dries out, Giacomo Casanova goes on a Venetian bender, and much more.
Here is The National's Book List...
The Art Of Fielding (author: Chad Harbach, publisher: Fourth Estate)
The Art of Racing in the Rain (author: Garth Stein, publisher: Harper Collins)
Atmospheric Disturbances (author: Rivka Galchen, publisher: Harper Perennial)
Begin Again (author: Kenneth Silverman, publisher: Northwestern University Press)
Capital (author: Maureen Duffy, publisher: Vintage/Harvill Press London Fiction)
Conquest of the Useless (author: Werner Herzog, publisher: ECCO Press)
The Forgotten Waltz (author: Anne Enright, publisher: Vintage)
The Great Night (author: Chris Adrian, publisher: Granta Books)
How To Read The Air (author: Dinaw Mengestu, publisher: Vintage)
Island at the Center of the World (author: Russell Shorto, publisher: Doubleday)
Just Kids (author: Patti Smith, publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC)
The Marriage Plot (author: Jeffrey Eugenides, publisher: Fourth Estate)
Please Kill Me (author: Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain, publisher: Abacus)
Searching for the Sound: My Life with the Grateful Dead (author: Phil Lesh, publisher: Back Bay Books)
Skippy Dies (author: Paul Murray, publisher: Penguin)
A Sport and a Pastime (author: James Salter, publisher: Picador)
Still Life With Insects (author: Brian Kitely, publisher: The Bodley Head Ltd)
Super Sad True Love Story (author: Gary Shteyngart, publisher: Granta Books)
Swamplandia (author: Karen Russell, publisher: Chatto & Windus)
The Tiger's Wife (author: Tea Obrecht, publisher: Phoenix)
To Siberia (author: Per Peterson, publisher: Vintage)
The Unnamed (author: Joshua Ferris, publisher: Penguin)
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (author: Haruki Murakami, publisher: Vintage)
Zone One (author: Colson Whitehead, publisher: Vintage)
For more info on all the books see this page.