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As we stated in our recent information letter, we were recently informed that as a result of rail works on the Werribee line, no trains were running to Newport station (the closest station to the event) and that bus replacement services would be in service instead.
However, Metro have advised us that these may not be able to meet the capacity for our ATP crowd as indicated through our transport survey.
Thus, we've elected to now run our IBYM Shuttles to and from North Melbourne station (where trains will be running to), instead of Newport. This means that IBYM Punters will only have to take one bus - between the event and North Melbourne - instead of two! However, this has added a significant number of buses to the shuttle service: as a result, we're asking for a gold coin donation for trips to and from North Melbourne Station.
Please note the last trains from North Melbourne into the city are at 10 past midnight Saturday and at midnight Sunday, so please bear this in mind and plan accordingly. Our headliners finish at 11:20pm and 11:30pm respectively so this should give people the chance to get on one of the buses to North Melbourne and catch their trains.
Please also note that we have asked for as many shuttles as possible, but space may still be limited and you should review other travel options as posted here.
The journey takes approximately 20 minutes.
On Saturday the first bus leaves from North Melbourne to the event at 11:30am with buses continuing to the event every 20-30 minutes throughout the day until 4:30pm. In the evening buses will be leaving the event going back to North Melbourne station at 11:00pm, 11:20pm, 11:30pm and 11:40pm with the last leaving the event at 11:50pm.
On Sunday the first bus leaves from North Melbourne to the event at 11:30am with buses continuing to the event every 20-30 minutes throughout the day until 4:30pm. In the evening buses will be leaving back to North Melbourne at 11:00pm, 11:20pm and with the last leaving the event at 11:30pm.