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Perhaps you are technically inept. Perhaps you have a real job and can't spend every five seconds reading tweets or checking Facebook. Perhaps you still rock a Nokia 6210 and have no need for a data plan. Perhaps you just don't care. But - if you subscribe to our newsletter or are reading this on our site, then you are probably a touch more discerning than your average iTunes pop song buyer, and if you don't already know about Songkick, then pay attention - school is in and this is on the curriculum.
If you are already all over this, then we love you all the more - this should be easy listening.
Earlier this year ATP was very, very, very pleased to announce a partnership with Songkick for their new Detour London project. We are now very, very, very excited. We are so excited we have to keep crossing our legs to stop a little bit of wee coming out.
In case Google and Wikipedia are busy napping, let us let Songkick break it down for you once more:
"At the heart of Detour is a belief that true fans can help their favourite artists come to their city sooner. Right now as a fan if you want to see a new band live, say Merchandise, a great new act from Tampa, you have to wait till someone else (a combination of the band and the promoter) decide to take on the financial risk of confirming a show and traveling to a new place. Detour London gives fans a way to help the artists they love, by stepping up and committing to buy a ticket, telling the band “If you come, I’m in”.
We launched Detour London before Christmas and within a matter of days over 50 fans had started a campaign to bring Desaparecidos to London. We reached out to the band’s management and on the back of that support confirmed a show.
When we launched Detour London we partnered with a number of the editorial brands we respect the most, to curate the artists that they would personally back coming to London. We believe that Detour gives those curators another platform to help the artists they love."
This is, for us, what the power of the internet is at its core - a tool to give you, as lovers of real music, a voice amongst the maelstrom of mediocrity that plagues mainstream music, and lets these excellent bands whose depth passes over the heads of the top 40 hear that you want them in your town, and the sooner the better.
From the initial list of bands that we at ATP have chosen, Merchandise (with support from Girls Names at 100 Club on 15th May - last tickets available here) and Goat with support from Teeth Of The Sea. This gig has in fact been so popular, and the response from people like your good selves, that the venue has now been upgraded to the Electric Ballroom (27th June - last tickets available here).
We are still so very keen to get enough fans pledging for the following bands:
Divine Fits
Colin Stetson
And today we can announce a second list of artists we are asking you fans to get behind so that we can hopefully bring them over to London:
The Notwist
The Dismemberment Plan
Man or Astro-man?
American Analog Set
Archers of Loaf
Black Moth Super Rainbow
Maher Shalal Hash Baz
Detour London is still in invite-only private beta, but there a limited number of invites to give out. Let's try and bring this site to its knees!!
So - copy this address bit here:
Then grab your mouse, move the pointy bit so its in the top bit of the internet thingy, click it and paste that thing we just told you to copy, then find the link that says:
"I have an invitation..."
paste this code:
into the box and you will then be able to get full info on how to back the bands above if you'd like to see them soon in London - you can see our full list at http://detour-ldn.songkick.com/users/AllTomorrowsParties once you've made it past the virtual bouncer on the door.
We want these fine purveyors of fresh sonic joy to get their bodies on English soil as soon as we possibly can, and you and your musically discerning friends are the ones with the voices to make it happen. Help Detour to help you to help these bands over here so that we can all hear their fine audio produce SOONER RATHER THAN LATER!!
And that, friends, is what people power is all about. Vote now. And not in a dodgy Britain's Got Talent kind of way either.
PS. Sorry about the shouting - it's a bit loud in here.