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ATP Recordings is pleased to announce the third installment in our Custom Made series from San Francisco art-alt-pop-rockers Deerhoof. Custom Made invites artists to submit 4 songs which will be released on limited edition 7".
It's available to buy now from our store, in either regular or ultra limited screen print versions. There are just 1000 copies in total, with the screen print limited to just 100 copies (the screen prints are also signed & numbered by the artist Matt Goldman.)
Boomkat said that it's "a beautiful presented item" and Norman Records said that "Deerhoof deliver super justice on this lavish double gatefold...If this was in my Christmas stocking i'd probably hit myself with joy. Deerhoof are the best band in the world, you should buy all their records."
Side A / Something Old
‘The Tears and Music of Love’ (Alternate Take)
Original from the album ‘Offend Maggie’
Side B / Something New
‘Makko Shobu’ (Piano and vocal version)
Original from the Matchbox Seeks Maniac 7”
Side C / Something Borrowed
‘Rrrrrrright’ (Germlin [Ben Butler & The Mousepad] Remix)
Original from the album ‘The Runners Four’
Side D / Something Blue
‘Blue Cash’ (Full band version)
Original from on the album ‘Apple O’
Deerhoof has always been strikingly new and yet strangely familiar. Melodic beauty, as if out of a half-remembered dream, is set against flashes of brilliant innovation that seem to be as much of a surprise to the band as to the listener. With Deerhoof every song is an adventure.
They are a study in contrasts. Vocalist/bassist Satomi Matsuzaki's light, cool delivery, and the laser beam clarity of her melodies, create a magical tension with her bandmates' ragged power and hyperexpressivity. Underlying any seemingly mythic tendency in the lyrics is a very human concern with worldly love and friendship. And while they can pull out all the stops with some breathtaking songwriting sophistication and virtuosic sparkle, always present is an unpretentious Deerhoofian joy. Ultimately their only rule has been to throw away the rules. As successful as they've become, they are an inspiration to their ever-growing audience (fans include Radiohead, The Flaming Lips, Wilco and Blur, all of whom have asked the band to support them) because they've stayed DIY, stayed positive, and stayed pure.